Friday, September 17, 2010

بسم الله الرحمن الرالحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

First Atttempt of SRMCDO's ECC Trial !!
Welcome to first attempt of SRMCDO's ECC trial !!

Finally we can start the ECC club by thirty minutes lates from the schedules. There 8 students participated in this club. So, I need to divided them into two groups namely A (Leader: Karim, Presenter: Zaki and Notulen :Zaky Ab Somad and Salami) This group assignment to discuss and present regarding the "FOOD".

Another group B lead by Fikri, Presented by Ali and notes taken by Zakaria and Saleh to covered the topic related with "POOR/Poverty". The roles during the ECC setting up. All participants need to involved in speaking and They must speak English or other language except KHMER. There will be some finalty for FUN imposed if the participants find out talk in KHMER :)

This ECC sounds interesting to them, starting from the group allocation and selection of the topic through raffeling. Both groups eventually look having fun, active and good discussion, even though at the beginning some of them have a little shy. The participants mixed up from the ACE's sponsored students, the hospitality college students, tuk tuk drivers and the jobless. At the end, both group needed to compose the story about each topic in their blog, so instead of speaking They also will gain the writing and blogging skills.

We decided to have the club twice a week (Monday and Saturday)  everybody agreed, eventhough some asking to make more meeting. The time  will be ba'da Isya at the lovely SRMCDO venue. Counting my stay here,  Perhaps I contribute for 3 to 4 times more.. hmmmm I may try to  think some other ways later and discussing with the participants.   Well, what a good day!! Please, anyone may continues this volunteer  program, or got any idea about how to make this ECC running effectively,  just give your comment and idea. Okun.. sukran.. thank you.. and Terima  Kasih.

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